Questions Without Answers


Dear Reality Check,

Trying to be mindful and remember that when we question ourself it is because something needs to be set straight in our mind, heart & our soul.  Yet 10 months and I am still questioning and wishing I knew why.

Uncertainty can be ambiguous

Certainty can be clarification

But what about today when there is no answer?

What about now?

I just wish I knew.

i can't tell if it's“>http://

2 thoughts on “Questions Without Answers

  1. My Dear Lady Baroness,

    The answers are all there waiting to be found. It took me quite awhile to become patient. I will have my answers. All in due time.

    Sometimes. I’ll put a question on the ‘back burner’ so I can move on to the countless number of questions that I can answer now. Sometimes, by the time I get back to the question on the ‘back burner,’ I have my answer or. the question is no longer valid. Therefore I don’t need an answer.

    There is a reason for everything. Take pressure off, and understand to that very point, it’s true. There is a reason we don’t have our answers all at once, and/or just when we want them.

    Questions exist because there are answers but, sometimes to arrive at that destination it takes contemplation, and careful planning.

    I’m sure I’ll have my answers…….in due time. So, I just don’t worry about unanswered questions.

    As Always,
    Cordially, I remain,
    Your Brother

    • Dearest Groovy,
      Your absolutely right about putting questions on the back burner being prudent sometimes.
      Getting caught up in feelings that aren’t clear needs emotional space between the feelings and the understanding what they mean.

      Being lifetime students of our human spirits and our universe will naturally evoke questions, I am beginning to think though there are some life questions that just can’t be answered. That threw me.
      Acceptance of knowing when to look go of the answer search is one of the most important answer I have found recently. (I’m honestly not sure I ever even posed the question in proper form.)

      I always so appreciate your sharing with me my dearest brother. To know we have our compass pointed towards similar quests is still a comfort I find in our friendship.

      Happy trails on your mission quest. I know we’re going to continue to cross paths.

      Peaceful easy days always my wish for you.
      ~ your sister who praises the sunrise and worships the moonbeams.

You are most welcome to share your thoughts, comments, and/or complaints here. Know though complaints are only handled on the 2nd Tuesday of the week.~ The Management