About the Barefoot Baroness Blog

 My Mantra~
 Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly & & tenderly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.”

I am so happy you have found my blog and I hope to be able to keep up with my posts. But let’s not hold our breath

  Now that I have found my groove….

My hopes and dreams for this space is mainly to have an outlet for my creative expressions in writing, in music, and in other mediums that require use of my brain and my hands.
I began writing as soon as I was able to convince my older brother to teach me how. There are many good things to be said about having an older brother, this may be one of my most cherished.
In trying to etch out a living as a Freelance Writer I will write about most anything assigned, or that comes to my mind. My main requirement being only that I believe what I am writing, and that it has some value and merit.
 I prefer writing about life in general and all that it can bring to our human spirits and our communities. I am a firm believer in community and love the role we as people have in it. 
I have a great love for humanity and like to think that it comes across in what I write… sharing that in life that I am inspired by, that I am delighted by, and that in which  I am left in awe by. 
It is the “I” who routinely expresses and finds an emotional balance through the release of expression via words, visual arts, and music.  
My life-long passion and love affair with music and words has fostered chasing my dream to create a place for my voice in the universe, whether it be in words, music, or art.
This writer’s idea of bliss;  a blank page of some gorgeous paper, a PhD Ballpoint (black)pen, Bluesy guitar music in the background, and a fresh cuppa coffee (Columbian dark roast please)
Thank you for taking the time, I do hope you’ll say hello. ~



37 thoughts on “About the Barefoot Baroness Blog

  1. Hello All
    My first time sharing “where have I been all this time”. I had a bi-lateral TMJ Christensen Implant put in in 1992. My mouth opening was maybe 3 fingers which was ok until I had to go to the dentist for my regular check-ups and then it was a little uncomfortable leaving with a slight headache. Never really had a lot of issues except a headache here and there and ear issues on windy days. It all started February 2016 I came down with shingles on the left side shoulder, neck and ear “Thank God not my face.” Then exactly a week to the day I came down with Bells Palsy which I still haven’t recovered fully from (have an appointment Friday with a neurologist, finally after waiting 3 months to get in.) I am getting headaches more often awful locking spasms in my throat on the left and now its moved to the right as well. To relieve the pain I have to constantly keep moving my neck until it stops. Turning 66 and feeling like my remembrances of things is getting worse and the pain I’m having is more common than not. I use to be so active and has changed over night.

    I can’t find which implant was put in December 1992 and the Dr. who did the surgery as retired and I have no paper work. I went to a maxillofacial who did a scan and told me the implant looked fine it was just some inflammation and gave me a muscle relaxer and ibuprofen???? Don’t even know where to start hopefully I’ll know more on Friday when I visit the neurologist.

  2. Hey! You received a ping back the other day on your About Me page! Yeah, that wasn’t spam. I just nominated 45 bloggers for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Why 45? Well, I made up for the last three out of six. So, you’re one of them! Congratulations! You can find the post here: http://wp.me/p2TeFs-KP ! Take care.

    • Thanks to you again for this kind award.Left message on your blog. I wonder if it matters that I have received this award before? shoulder shrug…
      I just love the thought behind it, Thanks again~ BB

      • Oh, yeah, I received this … I guess 8 times now, but I am not sure if I would acknowledge a nominee nominating a nominator … haha I suppose I could without the post, but then people would wonder what happened to the last two posts … ohhh boy. 🙂

      • I don’t have to share the nightmares associated that lead to you blog. My wife also had dual tmj implants in 1984, then removed in 1986. We are currently looking for documentation of other issues. She has developed numerous auto-immune responses over the years and we are still trying to get doctors to take this seriously. Her list goes on and on. Totally disabled after 1986 due to these unfortunate surgeries. Any guidance would help…

        • Hi Billy,
          It sounds very much like my case and thousands like us.
          I also.have developed serious auto immune disease with overlapping illnesses and conditions.
          My story is something I began writing about in the early 90’s hoping to find more survivors. Although victims of this horrific nightmare I refuse to call myself nothing less than a survivor. It’s truly the most difficult thing I have dealt with.
          If you or your wife would be kind enough to explain where she’s at in terms of tried treatments, current symptoms, and any legal cases pending this would help me know where to begin with sharing how I am navigating this.
          My hope in writing publicly about Vitek Proplast has always been with an intent to find others like me. It’s only through our combined efforts in sharing experiences and knowledge that we will find any hope of a better situation than fighting it alone. We have been abandoned by the very medical community who allowed this to continue happening and a judicial system plaqued by corruption.
          Before I can offer up guiding anyone to save unnecessary repetitions that fatigue I need to know more history. Both medical options tried and legal recources attempted.
          My email is tjhelser1@hotmail.com for private sharing but please leave me a name or the email you’re using so I can watch my email. If someone isn’t in my contacts the email is diverted to spam and I want miss seeing it

  3. Pingback: Perspiring Inspiration; The Very Inspiring Blogger Award « Prinze Charming

  4. Pingback: Blogger Award! « chronicpainsurvivor

  5. Hi Lady BB,
    I’ve come across your blogs many a time since starting, leaving and coming back to my own blog. Your writing inspires me and we appear to have health issues in common. It is 3.15am here in Sydney, Australia, I seem to be waking at this hour fairly regularly of late, new medication side effect 🙂 you have to smile and take the good with the bad.
    I like you also feel privileged to have met some kindred spirits around the world and I hope that this continues. There are times during my daily cycle where reading is my only option, as Foggy Brain, makes writing a long, humorous task. I think I’ll need to invest in a world clock App as I enjoy knowing whether my blogging friends are awake or sleeping in my blogging hours. As a now retired workaholic and perfectionist, I am attempting to also have days where I don’t ‘play/work’ on the computer. I am entering a new stage of life now because of my illness, soo many changes, it’s almost like when your schooling has finished and you are in that limbo stage, waiting to see where life will take you next. I look forward to reading more about you also.
    Health & Happiness

    • I’m so pleased that we are writing one another and following each others blogs. I agree we have much in common and can learn from one another. Coping is such a huge part of this and finding those who are like minded helps.

      I understand what you say about changing in what you thought was and now learning there is more. Learning how to navigate life and our days is most important. Keeping focused on a passion I have found is the best distraction yet. For me that is writing and my art, when I feel well that is where I want my focus to be.

      I hope you’ll post about your journey so that I can share in it with you.

      LOL.. I am laughing with joy because I have clocks on my table set to UK, France, & Perth Australia time. I think it makes perfect sense. How wonderful that when we waken at 3 or 4 am (me) we have a world of blogging friends to communicate with.

      Blessings abound! ~ BB

  6. Pingback: About THIS BLOG & Maybe me | Lady Barefoot Baroness | Four Blue Hills (A repository, of sorts)

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog so I could find yours! Although I know I’ve visited here before, and I thought I clicked the follow button, but it doesn’t say so… So, I’m following now!

    • I’m so happy you found your way back and I to you. I can see that I have a lot to benifit from by reading your blog. I look forward to catching up on past posts and learning even more. Thanks so much for taking the time to say you’ve been by.

    • My Dearest Ruby~ Sweet thing you. I look forard to responding to this game of tag on my return home. I’m in Portland with about 19 other women from hom on a Shop Till You Drop trip. I’m checking WP and find this from you. You’re amazing! Have I even said thank you yet? Thank you! Give me some time to respond to this and the two others I have received recently.

      Hope you are taking care of you Ruby~

      • Thank you, Toni. You are fearless in your writing and I really enjoy reading every post you publish. I believe tis blogging community to be an extension of my family, (only mostly sane, unlike my family!) and you have become my dear sister. Aren’t we lucky to live when we do? Blessings 😎

        • We are so lucky, so blessed, I too consider this blogging community as an extended family, and you all are so far less full of drama, stress, and wicked craziness than my own blood. Thats an awesome good thing.

          When I;m counting blessings I choose to count you twice,

  8. I’m glad you found my blog and Cee’s. Thanks for participating in her Share Your World challenge. The two of you share the pain of chronic illness. Her Lyme Disease is often misdiagnosed as Fibromyalgia. I’m sending many blessings your way.

    • Thanks Chris, I too am glad. and so thankful. Its not a life I would choose if given the choice, but all the same its helped me to learn more about myself than I may have other wise.

      I’m looking forward to getting to know you, your blog and all the friends through Cee’s awesome blog.

  9. It is still surprising (even though it shouldn’t be) how many of us have multiple and overlapping stuff. I really do think once you get one, the barn door has been opened for a whole lot of others to come creeping (or storming!) in……………..

    • I could not agree with you anymore passionately. Its true it seems for so many is that once the door to dis-ease is open the rest floods in.

      Its fascinating to me still 28 yrs later just how many millions there are just in the states alone fighting this good fight.

  10. Read a little in your blog. I’m sorry for your difficulties. I don’t think that anyone is really ‘normal’. Normality is an abstraction… a statistical reality. Most people have to overcome difficulties that people on the outside don’t see. Some have it better. Some have it worse. I don’t know how old you are, and what you’ve gone through… or what you’ve achieved before the pain… or despite the pain. Maybe I’ll find out about that as I read more of your blog. In my own life, I’ve discovered that pain and weakness is just part of life… and there can be a lot more. I know that your work in folk art, as you call it, has given you inspiration… and I hope there is a lot more on that side of the balance. I send you my best wishes for happiness and health… even if they come in small doses.

    • Thank you for your though out and kind comments. And your wishes. I am I like to say, I am Thriving. It is as you said a balance and balancing acts I do.

      The journey of my life so far has been an interesting one, few dull moments. But it is those dull moments that I thank my God for all that I have survived, all that life has taught me, and all that being a compassionate and loving soul gives me.

      I like your attitude and out look. I surround myself with people who look at the half full cup.
      Please do come back~

  11. Hello, Lady Baroness, and thanks for coming on board my blog. Thanks also for the Like and the kind and thoughtful comment. Please consider finding my Friends page, and leaving a comment about yourself, and what you want people to know about your blog, including URL, so my other readers can come visit you, too. I’m glad you’ve joined the family — Welcome!

  12. A kindred soul indeed… I am so glad that I found your blog. Reading your words feels like reading my own thoughts. I am so relieved that I have finally joined the world of blogging so that I can connect with people like you, who so obviously understand and know how completely life altering chronic pain is, but who also finds ways to survive through it the best they can, especially creatively… Thanks so much for sharing your soul with the rest of the world! I’ve loved everything I’ve read of yours so far and am looking forward to reading much more and looking at your creations too:)
    Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words you left on my blog, I’m only 4 days into it now so I’ve still got a lot of learning to do!

    • Only 4 days? Welcome to a wonderful new community.
      Wow girl you are on a terrific roll. I opened mine in 2008 but rarely posted. I was intimidated. I have been writing posts in forums for years, forums on C/pain and anything to do with m illnesses. I finally came to a point that the negativity, and the constant moaning got to me, started getting into the spirit of who I am.
      I then found my voice here just this year. I’ve written for a thousand years it seems, keep journals, write poems, prose, and story telling. I fact I am my families designated story teller and archivist.

      Once connections are made and there feels like a bond amazing friendships can be born. With that let me add; please use caution with people, I don’t mean this to sound so negative. And I have as of yet ran into anyone who is less than credible. But in prior forums I’ve ran into a few who read chronic pain and start looking to build a connection for all the wrong reasons. Just be cautions, and listen to your gut instincts. Hoping this did not come across any other way than a friendly word.
      I am looking forward to following along on your blog and look forward to your most welcome comments on mine.

      • Toni, I just saw your response when I left your Versatile Blogger nomination with you, sorry! I’m still trying to get the hang of all of this and I forgot to hit follow comments after I left that 1 for you:) Thank you for your friendly warning and I will definitely heed it and no I didn’t take it the wrong way:) I really appreciate your kind words, I guess I got rid of the majority of my intimidation while I was still contemplating blogging! It has already helped me in ways I could never imagine and meeting people like you has only added to that:) I totally get what you said about what harping on the many negative aspects of chronic pain will do, after many years of doing that myself I am determined to make this year and each one after, different, trying to focus on the positive! Thanks again for your sweet comments and I too look forward to following along with your blog:) Sorry again I’m just now responding!!!

        • Karen, please not to worry. Getting the hang of this is still what I am doing. It’s much different than forums.
          I am happy that you were not offended or put off by my warning. It was a lesson I had to learn. I too practiced the fine art of negativity in forums, each time it was the same thing, the same topics. That being said though forums helped me in ways nothing else or no one in my nearby community could. For that I am grateful. All the time building up the coping skills and techniques that help living with something like a chronic illness and pain. Meeting others like you during the journey makes it even feel all worth while.
          You & I can discover this whole blogging journey together as we go along. It always helps to have a buddy in everything in life, yes?

          Have an awesome week friend.

      • Terri, I am a bit embarrassed. I am just now finding this comment over a month later. I am really sorry. This blogging thing has so many aspects I am still learning how to navigate. Don’t know how I missed this.

        You are so kind and words of encouragement like yours is what helps me get through one day to the next.
        Thank you again my friend for the nomination for the Versatile Award. You truly humble me with your thoughtful and kind comments and support.

    • Terri, I am embarrassed yet again by my lack of proper navigation on my blog. Tracing and replying to comments is something I am still getting the hang of.

      You always say the most supportive and encouraging this to me which in turn inspires me to plant my feet on the floor another day. I cannot express my thanks to you for the ways you so often brighten my day. You are such a delightful addition to my cyber community.

You are most welcome to share your thoughts, comments, and/or complaints here. Know though complaints are only handled on the 2nd Tuesday of the week.~ The Management