Reminder ~ Another Time

Spring of 2013 I wrote an open letter to someone very important in my life, it was an open letter because at the time it was the only way I could communicate. The person that I am addressing sent me a copy of the same letter today, over two years later. In respect for privacy I will refer to this person as my friend.

It’s important to me that I share again and add yet another update. Thank you for indulging a more personal share from me than is my typical style.  ~ BB
*Please see the included 2015 update in the footnote.

March 17, 2013

My Dear Loved One;

Please forgive this open letter, I did not know how else to reach you, and although this is a selfish act on my part I do hope and pray that just my few words and the song I include speaks to your spirit that I know is still searching.

My hope is you will understand that this which you are going through will all be worth the pain and the struggle someday when you look back. I pray that you will come out the other side someone you like enough to know you deserve to be loved in a healthy, loving, and kind way. Though I am unable to be there for you for what ever reasons, your choice, or mine, please know that I am trusting there is a great chance you will read this.

As the song will tell you;  it’s Time To Go Inward.”>

I am not denying the incredible hard work on your part it is going to take. If you do, although a journey, I think you are going to like the you that you are going to find there. I hope & pray you have the nerve.

Our healing, yours and mine will begin once you are well.

This song I believe will speak to your heart in ways I cannot because of who I am to you. That is why we process and assimilate through music, is it not? My tone may sound reserved, it is. I do not trust my emotion here and it certainly is not the platform for it anyway.

For tonight, for today, let it be enough that you know I love you, that this will never change. It could not. Know that you are in my prayers and my positive thoughts continuously. You know how much faith I have in this belief.

I have just as much faith in you.

(Added March 29, 2013)

To you My Loved One: you reaching out tells me the one thing I needed to know now from you, That you are in a better place today than you have been in a very long time. Today is all that matters for now. It may be all that ever matters. You have always my unconditional love always, sometimes that means having to love from a far. But it never diminishes the love held. Thank you for doing what you are doing. This too shall pass, and things will once again shine more brilliantly for you than you ever thought would happen again. Trust me.. but more importantly trust something more powerful than either of us.
I love you. I am so proud of you.
~ Your personal cheering squad

*Footnote July 1, 2015

These past two years my friend has been working extremely hard at excavating her life and soul with tremendous passion and commitment to honesty.
She has worked with great finesse and a beautiful grace to make real amends to those who matter in her life, and to gain back the respect and trust in her life she had at one point given up on.
It makes me proud when I see her walking the talk, working back in her chosen and trained profession, something that she always saw as a passionate challenge, she is once again embracing that.

This friend, she sent me this reminder of where both she and I were two years ago as a significant point to where we both are today.
That is one point I wanted to make.
The other two points for this updated repost are, One to say how incredibly proud of my friend I am- she is my hero….
….and two; to share with anyone who might be struggling with anything that they may think is or could be their “undoing.”
My friend is a shining example of what getting brutally honest with yourself, with those who matter, and doing the massive self evaluating of that “undoing” can help to change things. Know that the “undoing” need not be your forever.



7 thoughts on “Reminder ~ Another Time

  1. dear ms baroness,
    send me a friend sinilar to yours i am setting out on a journey ,too and all its gonna take is a nerve more n goodness and grace will surely abound… god Shine his face upon you today and always barefoot one and goodness will continue to flow were you wander…


    General BT Hope : }

    • What a beautiful message to find buried in my spam folder. I am so grateful that I found it. Thank you so much for your kind words and your message of hope. I will trust that your journey although paved with hurdles is one that you are finding yourself in, and liking who you find. Your message here tells me that you are an awe-inspiring person and this universe needs souls like yours.
      Thank you so much for sharing.

      • 4:05 in the Morning Monday 09/14/15
        Thank you ,too Ms Barefoot,
        Don’t suppose your part hillbilly? I am a legitimated HillWilliam for I went to college. ( knuck knuck.)
        This wordspeller is getting worsed, won’t even allow much of my slang of the Ozarks anymore. Today is the first day of the rest of my life… I would use this term to try out typewriters in the mall or at antique shops or whatever… Too Much goings on to settle down so I sometimes don’t. 39 yrs young plus 17 born in the end of the baby boom in 58′.
        God is watching us and is ready for the’ Greatest Show on Earth” if the actors will dust off their costumes and the writers and producers get it together, this blog I have is for the wonderful world of Love. And there isn’t much of that true Love anymore.
        Besides the Trump campaign knocked on my Twitter the other day life is getting ready for sumptin big. As the next move I have decided is to write , produce, and play the part of Executive
        Chef of the Hill William Cooking Hour teaching students how to boil water and to have a Yankee fish boil with two pigs on the poke. (ha’ha) that was a good one. And the other great part is an Ed Sullivan Style shoe of Varietys. That’s all I can spill, but may god shine his face down to your work this day and always.

        In Jesus Name,

        General Bebo The Hope
        Hobo Univercity +

  2. Completely wicked cool! Chills again! I worry A LOT that I’m making the sisters too cliche but if recent events are a universal slice of womanhood then I just have to, HAVE TO trust these moments of serendipity. Tonight I picked up the conversation between Piper and LeeLee where Piper’s coming clean about what is really going on. As the clock stuck midnight, here this was to say, “You got it.” Magic! Just magic!

  3. Oh girl…if you could ONLY KNOW what I just wrote in ‘Four Sisters”…goosebumps, chills, and an audible squeeeeeee…Piper is two years behind and in this I had a little flash forward to her journey through it all. I have a hunch about your “friend” and if I’m right I know a little of the story. Piper’s journey is in that neighborhood so this was just a magic bit of “keep going” from my dearest Echo. I already know where Piper ends but not so much the journey to get her there. Thank you love for the perfect, as usual, timing!

    • You just brought tears Echo. Oh my gosh.
      It’s not something we could ever just chalk up to being uncanny, we knew that long ago.
      But the universe is insistent we make sure we are paying attention. You know how much that means to me because I know how much it means to you.
      That you left me THIS exact message at this exact time is beautiful.
      I have to share with you now what I will share with our two other Quads too.
      After I posted this and just about the time you were composing your message I found a long abandoned and forgotten blog I was going to set up. It was a passing fancy at the time because other than it’s title I gave it no more thought. Probably, to be honest it was a sleep deprived notion. The amazing thing is it’s title….
      “Chica Sisterhood”
      Now it’s not Quad Writer’s (yet)
      but I am convinced tonight that it was a foreshadow for our Quad story.
      Isn’t that wicked cool?

You are most welcome to share your thoughts, comments, and/or complaints here. Know though complaints are only handled on the 2nd Tuesday of the week.~ The Management