Dear Words


Dear Words,

Hello my Lover. You have always been the one for me.

You remain the one I can bare my soul too.  Without you my spirit would be a hollow shell of who I am.

Words, you have a way about you that I take great solace in.

Beautiful Words, with you I find the answers to the questions that keep me on a quest as I wander through this life.  My love affair with you has never left me feeling betrayed or abandoned. You are there when the sun rises, and when the sun sets.

Dear Words, together we have seen pain, we have seen peace. With you I can shed my armor and scream out loud, with you I find meaning in what otherwise leaves me baffled.  You give me the illusion of control when I write, giving me a place to rest my vivid and often wicked imagination.

Dear Words, we make a great team, we have a unique love story that is ours for eternity. Writing can feel like an isolating, individual act—yet with you, my computer or pad of paper it really is a social way for me to respond to people and the world around me.

Dear Words, when I connect with you I do so because I want or need to create a platform to receive my thoughts and ideas. A place where I can reflect and archive.

Dear Words, you surely know me well enough by now to know that this process of putting ideas into words and then arranging them so someone else might see, create, and explore new connections to life has become not only my creative outlet, but it’s become my way of life. You have become my catharsis.

Dear Words, I write because it reveals my personal choice’s and habit’s of my mind, my ability to connect and mold ideas.

Dear Words, you, me,  I write because I cannot.



copyright_editttaylor 2015




10 thoughts on “Dear Words

  1. Apologies my Dear Lady for my absence.

    We all have some words to share but, how they are shared makes a world of difference.

    While the words you write have been put together in perfect sequence, it is those of us who capture your total vibration, and understand your authenticity. True heart!

    The unspoken vibration supports the words. Without the brilliant vibration, the true spirit of the words spoken might get lost.

    I am always in awe of your vibration!

    As Always,
    Cordially, I Remain

    • My very Dearest Groovy,
      Please, no need for apologies ever between us. I have been a neglectful friend at best lately and although you wouldn’t know it I think of you often, and the sharing of words and thoughts we have together.
      Your messages never cease to amaze me that despite moons in between communicating we pick right up where we left off- or so it feels to me. When we share here it’s like returning to the old neighborhood, never the awkwardness’ that strangers may feel.
      I think that vey well may be those “unspoken Vibrations’ that allows for that fabulous sense of coming home when I find a share from you. That’s the kindred thing I have always felt with you my dearest brother, something so groovy it touches my spirit in the most grooviest of ways.

      I hope that I am finding you well, smiling, and life is being kind to you, your vibrations and friendship are gifts that I thank the Universe for again and again Dave. SO wonderfully awesome that you stopped by and shared.

      As always, your sister…. in awe of your brilliance that shines from so brightly. ~ BB

    • Wow Echo, I just replied to Summer’s comment not knowing yours was next, you also leave me in awe this month. But that happens quite often with us echoing ne another now doesn’t it? As I stated below to Summer you ladies, and our Miss Rebecca are such gifts in my life that I thank the Universe nightly for each of you.
      As I am sitting in bed tonight still feeling the rush of winning NANO, (CAN”T SLEEP!) but not wanting to get sucked into FB finding your messages tonight is like therapy. I kid you not.
      I have some pent up emotions revolved around the intensity of the past 29 days, writing my thoughts to you feels so apropos. And cathartic as always.
      I am thinking about your finale tonight/tomorrow knowing you were just around the corner last time I checked (snuck onto FB to check on you…lol)
      Experiencing NANO for the 3rd time has been a blast, as I shared with you already, but not sure I ever said out loud to you just how significantly meaningful it’s been to me all month that we journeyed this camp together. It’s been the best of my 3 NANO experiences.
      Thank you for all the sharing, the encouragement, support and always I’m so grateful for this sisterhood we share.
      Massive love Echo ~

    • Awe Miss Summer, you know how much this touches my heart that I would also ‘echo’ your feelings? I know you know…. I just do.
      I can’t tell you and our Sister Quad Writer’s just how much y’all mean to me as a woman, and as a writer.Thriving right along beside me y’all touch me in ways that I never knew were possible without being in the same town; let alone same state. Kind of leaves me in awe.
      . Thank you. Thank you. I so love you all! three!

    • Hi Jules!! So “amaXing” to see you my dear friend, my neglected friend by me I must add. I have been an awful blogging buddy lately but please know it doesn’t diminish my friendship with you. I will get back in my saddle again one day soon and will improve my communicating here at WP again. I miss you Jules and being privy to what you are getting through via your own Dear Words processing. Much love to you always. ~ BB

  2. Dear Noel,
    You make me this writer smile. What a kind and thoughtful person you are to allow Words to channel through you.
    You are brilliant at speaking for Words..expressing exactly what Words illuminate.
    Thank YOU so very much! 👣

  3. Great stuff, this letter of yours. I reply on behlaf of word as follows:
    Dear Baroness, in me, the spoken word, the concealed word, the encrypted word your true self finds expression; through me, what is concealed is made bare, I am you and you are me, even when I am not spoken.

You are most welcome to share your thoughts, comments, and/or complaints here. Know though complaints are only handled on the 2nd Tuesday of the week.~ The Management